
Do you need a credit card to eat at a restaurant?

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i'm gonna go to denny's tomorrow. there is a lady at the front who takes your credit card when you enter, but i don't have card. so do you need a credit card to eat at a restaurant?





  1. NO, cold hard cash is fine at most. Especially Denny's.

  2. Technically you don't.  But Dennys & many other merchants are leaning toward electronic payment these days.  Some don't take (or prefer not to take) your money.  Cash is good and it may still be King...for now, however; it is no doubt going out of style.  With all the robberies, counterfeit bills and other technicalities -- cash is becoming a BIG hassle to merchants as well as for consumers.  So my advice: You may be able to get by this time - but it's best for you to have a piece of plastic with you at all times.

    It's 2008 ~ Time To Update!


    Below are a couple of resources to obtain a credit or debit fairly easily ~ Best Wishes:-)

  3. Dennys needs to relax themselves!! Its Dennys not the Geisha House for goodness sake. You dont need a card to eat @ Dennys. Dont let them intimidate you. Walk up proudly and hand them cash...they cant refuse that!!! That Dennys your talking about really stinks.

  4. No, you should be able to pay with cash

  5. Yes you need a credit card for Denny's or they will not let you eat. Me and my buddies went there drunk and tried to leave by paying cash at the table and they stopped us and said we cant take cash because of the robberies at night and we said wow that's a first. They must not have a night drop box for cash so id bring a credit card.


    5'yonaires in the house!!! Flash some cash and give her a little wink, she'll let you in.

  7. no, cash is always acceptable and some places still accept checks even.

  8. No, they except, credit and debit.  Most places no longer except checks...

  9. I've never had that denny's lol I'd laugh if they demanded a credit card to eat at a cheap rest like that..I'd be like yeap trust me I'm good for the $7 just let me order, eat and I'll pay ha ha. I'm a big spenders I guess i carry the large $5 bills.

  10. I've been to many restaurants that didn't take plastic but never to ONE that didn't take hard cash.Also been to many Denny's and never asked for plastic at the door.Is this a ultra-high crime area like downtown Iraq?

  11. No, technically you don't. It's not like they can refuse you entry just because you don't have a credit card, if you have the money on you even better but if you don't make sure you have enough in the account that you want to pay with. Just at the end when you need to pay the bill, take your card to the service desk/cashier and pay with eftpos

  12. all you need is enough money to pay for what you consume.

    and to TIP the server.

    (i've heard) they say if you can't afford to tip the server, then you really can't afford to go out to eat.

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