
Do you need a diploma to become and fbi agent/detective?

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do you?

i understand the whole 4 years of college thing.

but do you HAVE to have a diploma?

or can you have a GED?





  1. its extremely difficult to get in the fbi. if you think theres a possibility you could get in without a degree,  then chances are you'll probably never get in.  

    is a ged something other then the equivalent of a high school diploma.  cause unless a ged is something else,  im gonna say no.

    ..anyone can be a detective,  all you need is an office, with a desk you can sit at and smoke cigarettes on stormy nights.  ..or a cool van and a big dog.     ...ohh ****,  and you should probably get a big magnifying glass

  2. No, you nee more than a GED to go to work for the FBI.  First off, a GED says 2 things - it says you dropped out of high-school, but it also says you picked things up after that.  It sort of like a mixed message.

    I can't speak for locl law enforcement, but detective jobs are usually earned by guys who've stuck it out in their departments while showing intuitive skills.

    The FBI is just about the highest single law enforcement agency in America, and they don't take guys who go to any college, let alone never having gotten into college at all.

    It's sort of a moot point, since to get through training you will have to have skills that you'd need to get through school anyway.  You'd have to show a firm grasp on criminal law and procedure and be able to apply it in complex situations such as those involving long-term investigations of narcotics and weapons trafficking, white-collar crime and organized crime.

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