
Do you need a humid hide for a Leopard gecko?

by  |  earlier

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i don't have a humid hide in my geckos tank should i put one in




  1. Yes you should get one so they shed properly

  2. yes they need one to help it shed its skin but they are pretty easy and cheap to make

  3. You do indeed! It helps them with their shedding!

    They're easy to make! Just use a plastic container with a hole cut in it and some pete moss (not expensive at all, it's like..$5 for a good deal of it at any pet store).  

  4. Absolutely.  There are almost always shedding issues if you don't provide the proper humidity they need during the shedding process.  The skin gets too dry and doesn't come off in one piece like it should.

    I just use margarine or Cool Whip tubs.  Cut a hole in the side and fill with moist paper towel or moist sphagnum moss.  Put that on the warm side of the tank and voila... humid hide!  

    As a note, mine use theirs even when they aren't shedding.  Sometimes they just need a little extra moisture.

  5. i have kept them with and without humidity hides, it dosnt really seem to make a differnce unless the overall humidity is really really low.

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