
Do you need a lawyer to file for an adoption?

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My ex husband signed his rights away to our 2 year old child in our divorce. My new husband wishes to adopt my son and we have my divorce decree where my ex terminated his rights. My question is do we absolutely have to have a lawyer or can we do this on our own? If we can do it ourselves, what are the steps we need to take? We live in Alabama. Thanks!




  1. Call your local courthouse and ask the same question.  I'd be willing to bet the answer to your question differs by state or even county, so that might explain why there haven't been any answers yet.

    On another note, is it absolutely necessary for your current husband to adopt your child?  If it's not absolutely necessary, it's probably not a good idea.  People who are adopted lose basic human rights, like the right to their own family history, medical information, birth certificate.  Things can be more difficult for them later on, like it might be harder for them to get a passport or medical insurance.  Unless adoption is an absolute necessity it would be in your child's best interests to go for a guardianship instead.

  2. I would think one would definitely need a lawyer. Every state is different in how they handle step parent adoption. did your ex have his parental rights completely terminated or did he just allow you to have full custody? There is a big difference.

  3. Go to

    this is the site that we used to find our attorney. Most attorneys will not charge you for the initial consultation.  Don't use one that does charge.

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