
Do you need a lawyer to?

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to obtain custody of a granchild in the state of NC, when the mother is in agreement. If now how does one go about gaining custody.

Thank you




  1. Here are a few resources.  You'll need to talk to the department of social services to get legal custody.  Go from there.

  2. No you don't but it's highly recommended that you hire one. Even lawyers hire lawyers.

  3. watch the movie Matilda?

  4. I believe there are two ways this can be done - first through a lawyer (which is what I would recommend) and second through Kinship Care which is a part of foster care.  The reason I recommend a lawyer is because we our son's bio grandparents had a bad experience with the state of NJ and kinship care.  But NOT all programs are like that.  I just think that an attorney would protect your family better than having the state involved - once the state becomes involved, you risk the chance of them removing the child and placing them in foster care.  But I at least wanted to point out the program does exist.  

    Good luck to you.

  5. You should get a lawyer. That way everything is legal. And you will then also then have the right to consent to medical treatment when needed and things like that that you will have to take care of.

  6. Yes I would.

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