
Do you need a license to busk on Britain's streets?

by  |  earlier

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in case you need to know, i would be playing classical guitar. maybe a few pop/folk songs too.




  1. Each city sets its own rules. The most recent answer is how it used to be in York but now you need to audition for a licence. Get in touch with the council of the town/city you will be busking in.

  2. Play in Edinburgh at Festival Time - no problem ! Elsewhere you would require a license from the Local Authority .

  3. No, but if there is a complaint you have to move on. If you get a licence then you can be moved on.

    I know because the bagpipe man that stands out side my shop has a licence

  4. Yeh I think so, but to be honest if you don't have one, the worse the police will do is ask you to move.

  5. You need to run good to chase the chavs that steal the money dropped into your guitar case.

  6. yes but sometimes you can just go out and busk, and then if the police move you on, fair enough.

  7. yes

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