
Do you need a passport to travel even less than 10 miles out of US soil into mexico (peridas negras)?

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  1. Yes, you need a passport anytime you cross the border. If you are in the US, you can get one at the post office. It's about $100 and takes about 2 months, but if you need one sooner you can pay extra.

  2. got two wrong answers so far. you do NOT need a passport yet to travel to mexico by LAND. Passports re required to FLy to Mexico, but the requirement for pasports for land travel has NOt been implemented and has NO set date.  you will need a photo I.d. and proof of citizenship..which can be a pasport OR a birth certificate.  See site below and read carefully. there is a great deal of misinformatin on this subect being given by people who  give info based on rumor...and who have not actually read the state dep't website.  Safe thing to do is read it for yourself.

  3. yes you need passport

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