
Do you need a permit for keeping wood ducks as pets in wisconsin?

by Guest63738  |  earlier

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Do you need a permit for keeping wood ducks as pets in wisconsin?




  1. You will need a state permit and a federal one for migratory waterfowl. I keep them in Indiana.

  2. According to WI state statute 169.04 - wood ducks do not fall under wild animals that people can possess without permits...and the only permits for wild animals are scientific research or rehibilitation licenses.

    Other types of permits are on the WI department of natural resource website under permits and licenses.

  3. According to the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, it's not a good idea to keep wild animals as pets:

    I don't know about keeping them as livestock - may want to check with them.

  4. Wood ducks are wild native birds therefore are illegal to keep as pets anywhere in the U.S.  They are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

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