
Do you need a prescription to....?

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buy the pill at a pharmacy? or are there certain brands that you do not need a prescription for? and if so, what brands are these?

im thinking of going on the pill but am not sure what kind or brand to get. i know there are monophasic, multiphasic, and continuous pills and that each have their own advantages but im not sure which one is best.

the only reason im thinking of it is for birth control so i dont mind having my period every month as long as im still protected.

so are there any recommendations any of you would have as to which brand would be the best to get?




  1. You can go to a clinic or a college usually has a program that can help you(which should be confidential if you don't want your parents to know right away). I use Yaz. It has seemed to work really well so far.  

  2. It's best to talk to a professional about which birth control would be right for you.

    There are many other things a doctor has to take into consideration when prescribing pills, including whether you smoke, have a history of high blood pressure, blood clots, et cetera.

    Birth control isn't something you can just take like a vitamin. It comes with it's own set of very serious risks. Introducing synthetic hormones into your body isn't something that can be offered over-the-counter.

  3. Yes, a prescription is needed to get birth control pills.  When you meet with the doctor, she or he will be able to give you the best advice as to what would be the right choice for your specific body.  What is best for one woman's body may not be the best decision for another woman's body.  

    If you're sexually active, or are considering becoming sexually active, make sure to use condoms each time.  Not only do the prevent the transmission of sexually-transmitted infections, they also provide an "extra layer" of protection against pregnancy.  No birth control pill is 100% effective, using a condom each time further reduces your changes of getting pregnant.

  4. Yes you have to have a prescription. If you can't afford it try the free clinic.  

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