
Do you need a reservation to eat at Hooters?

by  |  earlier

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me and about 13 of my friends are trying to go there to eat lunch. do we need a reservation or can we just go?




  1. You might want to call just to let them know you're coming so they can move some tables and stuff around and make sure they leave a server open to take care of you guys. It'd be a better experience for you if you have a calm waitress who knew you were coming and was ready for you. When I was a waitress I hated it when parties of 15 or more came in without calling and expected us to just know they were going to be there and have an available table/waitress to take care of them RIGHT THEN.

  2. nope, have fun for me!!.LOL

  3. YES! lunch is busier at lunch than at dinner.ppl are time sensitive.they have express lunch meals to get you in and out in 45 min.15 ppl walking in at the middle of the BUSIEST hour can cave in a kitchen,as everyone wants to eat in your party at the SAME if you all want to SIT together............if you MUST..........they will have to slide tables and chairs around to make that possible.and then if you all want seperate bills for each person...........add 15 min of post meal wait time while the server splits the check into 15.if she rings up each meal 1 at a time............other servers are ringing in no WAY the kitchen can figure out that 15 different meals rung up seperately somehow all go to 1 particular party.

  4. not really...its like going to olive garden or westshore pizza


  6. No you do not need a reservation!! Hooters is awesome! My roommate used to work there!

  7. Doubt you need a reservation...hahaha its just like a regular restaurant just with hottt hott chicks that wait your tables.  But doubtful...very doubtful!!!

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