
Do you need a rod licence when fishing on private land?

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when fishing on private land, do you still need a rod licence to fish?




  1. No, but if you dont have permission from the owner than you could get in a lot of trouble!!!!! I own my own pond 1-2 acres big and I let kids fish in it all the time and they dont need a license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. in the USA, each state is different when it comes to fishing or hunting on private land.  I would refer to that particular states website for Fish & Game and go from there.

    Also be advised that when it says landowner, sometimes it's only for the landowner and his immediate family not guests.

    Better safe than sorry....

  3. In the UK yes

  4. yes, to do and fresh water fishing, even if its in your own garden pond, get caught fishing with out one, you can lose you gear and be fined and crim record,

    do what i do, mans sport sea fishing

  5. It depends.

    If you're on private land but fishing in public water, then yes.

    However, if the body of water is ON the private land, then no, you do not need a license.

  6. Well it depends you might be on privet land, but it the body of water you are fishing public (river, stream, or lake)  if the entire lake is privet then no you do not, if any part of it is, then yes you do.  I would contact your local department of conse4rvation and ask for sure.  This way you get the correct information directly from them, will save you time and money if you were to get a ticket.

    Hope this helps


  7. Simple answer , if you're in the U.K yes you need an Environment Agency Licence, even if it's a be a pond in your back garden. if your over 12 years of age you need a licence to fish.

  8. DEP wont care what you do on your one pond unless your fishing ofshore into a state/public pond my freind got busted for that. dep is CT recreation police pretty much but there called diferent  things in each state they do the same thing though

  9. a rod licence allows you to use a maximum of two rods. without a rod licence you are not allowed to use a rod anywhere.

  10. Personally..I don't..on the principle that I regard the legitimate enjoyment of the game in the waters, on the land, and in the air as belonging to everyone. To the odd southron laird or gamekeeper lackie/stooge I have encountered, I have telt them in coarse dialect tae awa an no be silly!

    I have nothing to lose but my catch and such few liberties as I own, but they have their families and livelihoods and indeed their very lives were we to try conclusions in combat!. I btw do not net or poison game or livestock..I take it by fair stealth and skill and would deliber8ly harm no one!

  11. simply, yes, but then what are the chances of an NRA man turning up where you are ?

    personally, I always get a rod licence, sometimes I don't bother with permits. It's up to you but you WILL land a hefty fine if you get caught ( pardon the pun ! )

  12. If the whole body of water is on private land, then no...if it is a creek or a river that passes through, then yes, but in some states Game Wardens can not go on private land...

  13. If it's a pond in your backyard you'll probably be fine without one.Technically you need one to fish anywhere.I'd get one anyway.They're usually like $10-15 for a year.

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