
Do you need a special license to buy items for wholesale?

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if there a special name for this...?




  1. Generally in most countries there isn't any license required to purchase items wholesale.

    In general it's usually as simple as A) Finding some wholesalers of the products you are interested in and B) Convincing them to sell to you.

    Generally most will require you to be a registered business (rather than just an individual) and to show that you are a reseller and not just buying for your own use. I find with new suppliers that if you ring up and sound confident in who you are and why you are calling them they will be happy to take on new distributors - however this does vary from industry to industry, some industries are more closed than others.

    A good idea if you are genuinely trying to start a business is to be honest and say "we have just opened up in the X industry, and are looking to establish relationships with key suppliers". Be prepared to pay upfront for your first few orders until you get established.

    Best of luck

    Matthew Cummins

    Global Advertising Products

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