
Do you need a teaching degree to teach preeschool?

by Guest56305  |  earlier

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  1. I think it may depend on what state you live in.  I know the daycare I used to work at had 2 pre school classes and one of the teachers had an AA degree and the other only had a certificate.

  2. You do if you're teaching in a school district with special need preschoolers.  You don't if it's a private preschool.  They don't make much money - $20,000 a year for a full-time preschool teacher where I live.  Except the ones with the degrees -they are on the salary schedule with the rest of the teachers.

  3. I haven't seen a man teach preschool.

  4. if they are just minding the children it wud be good to have some experience but if they were actually teaching them subjects then they wud have to go through what they call an   a.c.e.

    (accsefive child education)

    good luck!!!!!!!

  5. Very definitely yes.

    The children are at an age when they are developing rapidly so they need experts to give them the right stimulus.

    They need a very special curriculum that gives a wide range of opportunities for learning as a foundation for reading, writing & number skills.  They need guidance in learning social skills and many of them need help with personal care skills.  As well they need activities to stimulate their creativity.

    It's a big job and the foundation for all future learning.

  6. you need to take a full time 3 year diploma childcare course here to be a licensed childcare can take either in graduate college..or university. The pay starts at about 26,000 here.

  7. it would be good for both u & the children. It isn't as easy as some ppl think tho plus they require to take lots of early childhood education classes just like any other degree but it doesn't pay a lot. AND u must know the DSFS rules & guidelines well, not only for the childrens sake but also bc u can get into deep trouble if they come & check & u arent doin what it requires. Tho this field needs more educated men bc children enjoy &look up to'em as well.

  8. Not to teach preschool as an assistant at some places. Most places prefer you have education to be titled a preschool teacher.  Where others only let Head teachers be those that hold a degree in child development or early childhood education.

    Good luck!

  9. In some states (sadly) you just have to have graduated from high school.  Others require more stringent education... the minimum is usually 6 units of Child Development to work as an aide, 12 units to work as a Teacher.  Good preschools will require more than that from teachers, and few require that the teacher have a Teacher Level Child Development Permit.  You don't need to have an A.S. or B.S. unless you want to work in special education, in which case, you will need to specialize in that field.  I work at a center in CA, and you have to have 6 units to begin work, but have to be working on 12 (at least).  I have 40 units of CDE units, and a Master Teacher Level Child Development Permit.  Basically, the more you do above the minimum means more money in pay.

  10. It actually depends on the required qualificatiions the job requests. In some places you only need a certain amount of ECE units, while others require an AA or BA. But supposedly the States are all changing because of the idea of Preschool for all. So eventually, you will have to have the BA in Early Child Development in order to be considered a Pre school teacher. Without one you would just be the assistant.

  11. no, just ECE units

    early childhood education

    can get them at most jc's

    good luck

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