
Do you need a tetanus shot if someone bites you?

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Last night I was babysitting for my older sister and her husband. My younger sister was there as well with my 2 year old nephew.

My nephew is an only child, who is NEVER around kids, bit my 1 year old niece. When my brother in law got home, he asked me if he need to go get my niece a tetanus shot. I said no because he did not break her skin, just left her a red mark.

Was this the right answer? Or does she need a tetanus shot?




  1. Your tetanus comes from meat nails etc. I even if you can get it from people you  would need to break the skin and tetanus shots are good for 10 years

  2. I believe your instincts were right, no broken skin, no need for a shot!  Check out this article.  

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