
Do you need a transmission for your car to move?

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Do you need a transmission for your car to move?




  1. Yes. It you don't you'll be pushing it!  

  2. Well, yes of course. Unless you live in bedrock were they use there feet, and say things like yabadabado!  

  3. unless you're planning on pushing it.

  4. Your question is a little vague.  I'm assuming you want to move a car a fair distance that is missing parts of the drive train.

    You can tow a rear wheel drive car that is missing the transmission.  It is recommended practice to remove the drive line when towing a car with an automatic.  If the car has no transmission the drive line should be removed to keep it from flopping around.

    Front wheel drive cars are more of a problem.  You have to have something there to support the half shafts as they turn while the car is being towed.  Otherwise they will flop around and break something.  The transmission is also the differential that supports the inside end end of the half shaft.  Your best bet to move the car is to rent some kind of trailer.

  5. yeah kinda if you want it to move.

    the tranny is part of the powertrain, it's the element that transfers the energy the engine creates to the wheels. You gotta have it or some form of transfer.

    There's one alternate "transmission" that's not really a gear run trans but it's a gearless system which I believe just uses a big fat rubberband. Well, it's a belt really. They offered them in Saturn Vue when they came out, it didn't go over well.  

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