
Do you need a travel waiver ....?

by  |  earlier

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if your going to any place besides u.s.a ? my boyfriend has a possession charge and a youth charge ,and i want to travel to fiji ,so does he need a waiver and is he allowed to get a passport? where do i go to get a waiver?




  1. Yes you may apply for a passport. No waiver required as no visa required either.**

  2. how old is this possession charge ? is it still pending ?

    please refer to this page to get informations on this matter

    Criminal Record Checks,U.S. citizens may be asked to present a "certificate of good conduct" or "lack of a criminal record" for a variety of reasons for use abroad including adoption, school attendance, employment, etc. U.S. law enforcement authorities may not be familiar with such a procedure since it is not commonly requested in the United States. There are a variety of options available to U.S. citizens seeking to obtain proof of their lack of a criminal record.

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