
Do you need a visa to go to Spain(for a week) if you are a US citizen ?

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Do you need a visa to go to Spain(for a week) if you are a US citizen ?




  1. No, you do not need a visa to come to Spain. I have American friends who came last June and stayed for a month and they didn´t need any visa at all.

    I have taken this pragraphs from a site in Spanish. If you do not understand, it says:

    Who does not need a visa?

    ¿Quién no necesita Visado?

    En principio todo extranjero que pretenda entrar en España necesita visado, salvo aquellos que se encuentren en alguna de las siguientes situaciones:

    Any foreigner who wants to come into Spain needs a visa, except those who are in one of the following situations:

    a) No necesitan visado para estancias inferiores a tres meses (en un intervalo de seis), aquellas personas nacionales de alguno de los siguientes países:

    Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Brasil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Chipre, Costa Rica, Croacia, El Salvador, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Estados Unidos, Estonia, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungría, Islandia, Israel, Japón, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Malasia, Malta, México, Mónaco, Nicaragua, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Panamá, Paraguay, Polonia, República Checa, República de Corea, Rumania, San Marino, Santa Sede, Singapur, Suiza, Uruguay, Venezuela, regiones administrativas especiales de la República Popular China de Hong Kong y Macao y aquellos países pertenecientes a la Unión Europea.

    a) Citizens from the following countries do not need a visa if they are going to stay for less than three months:

    (then there´s the list of countries; read Estados Unidos= United States).

    Here you have the whole page, in case you understand Spanish:

  2. I was just in Spain for a week. I came back yesterday. All I needed was a passport. It was very easy and I had a wonderful time.

  3. yes, you need a passport Visa,and it takes a long time to get one, so give it plenty of time

  4. No, As long as you have a passport valid for 6 months after your return,you are fine. Now if you are going on business, that might be another story but if you are just going for pleasure, No.

  5. no.. u can stay there for 3 months with out a visa

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