
Do you need a visa to live in France if you live in the UK?

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Do you need a visa to live in France if you live in the UK?




  1. While, as an EU citizen,  you do not require permission or documentation from the French government to live in France, you may still need to obtain a Carte du Sejour for certain administrative procedures relating to employment and registrations while  administrative bodies adjust their procedures.

  2. It depends on weather or not you are a UK citizen.

    If you are African (for example) and living in England, you will need a visa to go to France. If you are English and living in England, you don't . If you are Italian, or German etc, you don't need a visa.

    So, it doesn't depend on where you live, it depends on what your nationality is.

  3. no, you don't, you just need a passport, or a identity card. Uk belongs to the Free Exchange Zone, people could go without problem in the all EU

  4. As of the end of 2003 (Loi no 2003-1119 du 26 november 2003) you no longer need a Carte du Sejour to live or work in France if you are an EU citizen, however as Rillifane has said some overly bureaucratic bodies may still ask you for one but it is not legally required and if you are asked you can dispute it.

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