
Do you need an HD TV for an HD DVD player to work?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, I know it will work, but will it look like its supposed to look?...or does having an HD TV and DVD simply give it the full effect? I'm just wanting to know if I would get the desired effect if I only got an HD TV and not an HD DVD...or just an HD DVD and not an HD TV.

I'm new to this HD thing.




  1. you need both to get the 'full effect' as you put it. DVD for example has a resolution of 720x480 pixels, a high def TV can be 720x1280 pixels or 1080x1920 pixels.

    HDTV and a regular DVD player is just low res blown up to the HDTV native res. Reg TV with a HD player, not worth your time, picture will look the same as a regular DVD in most cases.

  2. You would need HD dvd player to get a better quality to view on HD tv.   Regular dvd plays only low resolution.  It is not 1080i .

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