
Do you need anymore proof after last year’s frigid winter than this? Our home is dying from global warming.?

by Guest64934  |  earlier

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A foot of late snow in Minnesota, a foot of late snow in Colorado, a late 3 feet of snow in the Canadian Rockies, plus minus 20 degree temperatures, and late snows and freezing temperatures lingering on and on and on.. Do you need anymore proof after last year’s long and frigid winter than this, that the Earth is dying from global warming? It will soon be so cold and snowy that even the most stupid global warning deniers will admit life is lost without carbon taxes so we can once again enjoy the winters those old ladies used to complain so bitterly about 2 or 3 decades ago.

How sinister global warming is. Desguising itself as winter. But its spring! Ha! So the joke's on you. My therapist says one thing when we talk but I can tell she doesn't feel my pain either. Ha! Busted. What kind of a carbon tax should I put on her. Global warming has kids and you have to stop them before they spread even if it's painful. Even if it's expensive. I have to go now.




  1. Of all the potentially valid counter-points to global warming, why did you have to pick the junior high school level one?  Perhaps you missed the fact that there is currently a La Nina in the northern Pacific ocean?

    That is your answer, not global warming.

  2. Well if the truth is determined by what kind of winters happen in Minnesota there might be a kernel of truth to your rant.  As it is, that's neither here nor there, other than being a typical excuse used by some fat spoiled American to ignore the growing misery around them because they personally are not affected.

    I'll put your therapist in my prayers.

  3. We only have this one tiny little wet rock,spinning through space. Lets not s***w it up!

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