
Do you need bigger heads if you stroke a 308? or can you use stock heads?

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Do you need bigger heads if you stroke a 308? or can you use stock heads?




  1. If you make the piston stroke shorter you should shave the heads an equal amount to keep the same compression ratio.

  2. why waist yr time on a holden block u will achive more from a FORD 302 windsor

  3. you can use standard heads , but with proper porting you will achieve more power and if you behave more economy

  4. no can run with standard but if your guna stroke the block to increase cc you will only get minimal horse power increase if you can pay for head work do it you have the heads off any way porting and polishing is a must the other way to go is to fit a nitrous oxide kit will give you instant 50-80 horse power and leave every thing standard

  5. yes but would recommend u shave the heads

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