
Do you need more proof? Do you still believe that its all natural?

by Guest31886  |  earlier

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Myth: The science of global warming is too uncertain to act on.

Myth: Even if global warming is a problem, addressing it will hurt American industry and workers.

Myth: Water vapor is the most important, abundant greenhouse gas. So if we’re going to control a greenhouse gas, why don’t we control it instead of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

Myth: Global warming and extra CO2 will actually be beneficial — they reduce cold-related deaths and stimulate crop growth.

Myth: Global warming is just part of a natural cycle. The Arctic has warmed up in the past.

All these answered on that link.




  1. The little green men on mars are racing around in there dune buggies and causing the polar ice caps to melt on mars .

  2. global warming is a joke!!!

    besides when global warming sets in and the world floods swimmers will rule the world!

  3. h**l no

  4. still waiting for proof !all above are facts not myths!  Do you need more proof?

  5. I do not agree.

    It all depends on when you started measuring temperature, so who decides what the optimal temp is? The IPCC baselines temp at the close of the Little Ice Age when it was a good deal cooler than today. Does that mean it's gotten too hot? The past year indicates not, it was much cooler than usual, snow falling in Baghdad for the first time in recorded history, so much snow and ice in China that they had to use the Army to control panic.

    Global warming is a natural process, we haven't done anything but release CO2 that was produced naturally on Earth and the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is still tiny, only .04% or so of total atmosphere is CO2. The much greater cause of warming is water vapor and we live on a watery planet so there's not much we can do about that. New studies show that when we finally have doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, temp will only have increased about 1 full degree C, it's now up about 0.6 degree.

    Polar bears weigh about 1200 pounds so thinking of a carnivore that size that would look at you as food kind of lessens their overall cuteness. At least for me. They survived the last period between ice ages when it was much warmer than it's likely to get, they don't have to swim or live in ice, the groups that are thriving are the ones that are in warmer areas of Canada. Polar bears are not drowning just because Al Gore's animated bear doesnt know how.

    Putting a 'cute' face on global warming hype is a trick they use, but the real motivation is control. If they can tell you when or if you can drive, where to set your thermostat, how much electricity you can use, they can control every moment of you life. It's very possible we're going to see global cooling next since the current solar cycle is almost totally absent.


    Notice that  the IPC say thinks, worries  doubts wants them to go away.

    2007 was to be the hottest year on record but it was not.

    The science is not all done their a lot more work to do.

    Let not make the same mistake as we did with ethanol.

    Work on pollution, clean air.  prosperity can do wonders for the environment.

    One more thing FOLLOW the MONEY!

    UN IPC  (UN to have a TAX on air travel because of ?

    You guessed it  GLOBAL WARMING  

    AL GORE own stock in several NEW GREEN COMPANIES and sells what Carbon Credits.

    Oh and what of all those new taxes on smoke stack industries and mandatory carbon credits from power companies.  Anyone wonder why we cannot build more nuclear plants here and save oil, coal and gas?  Cause someone not gonna collect a payday.

    Also you know how much power this will give some folks.  

    We are talking about population, food and land control in the name of saving the planet.

    Modest Proposal.

  7. You can always find a web site to back any arguement. There are also sites that have proof to dismiss the claims on the site you posted.There were glaciers mapped in the 1850s in Canada and the U.S. that were either gone, or nearly so, by 1900, indicating a pre industrial age warm up. True, we should try to clean things up on Earth, and in fact, we have compared to just 20 years ago. I saw some of the results of atmosphere samples recovered from 65 million year old Amber fossils. Back then, oxygen content was 23 % compared to 18 % today. And carbon at that time was 11 % higher. The point is, things always change on this planet, and will continue to do so.

  8. No thanks, that's enough propaganda for one day.

  9. YOUR RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING,  GLOBAL WARMING, THE REST IS ALL BUNK.  IF you get others from school, clubs etc. and group up and get a salvage license to extract the sands of time that man has never touched forever and if you find treasures your salvage license says their yours and at the same time help us to delete Global Warming and allowing nature to return to normal naturally.

  10. You aren't serious, right? You can't be. All I saw on that link was a lot of hand waving--isn't the debate about whether or not CO2 is the main driver (or much a driver at all), and whether or not we are headed for a catastrophe? Your link says, without any real world evidence, that CO2 is the main driver.

    Sorry, but I do need more proof.

  11. Yes i do need more proof, for every website you find saying manmade global warming is real, i can find one that shows it isn't real.

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