
Do you need....?

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a tube in your mouth during IV sedation? or can you breathe on your own?




  1. Calling Pangolin!

    For general anesthesia, which is what I think you probably mean by "IV sedation," you need it for several reasons:  First, it keeps your airway physically open and helps prevent aspiration of fluids or other substances.  Second, the drugs for general anesthesia paralyze the muscles.  You need to use your muscles to breathe on your own, so the tube allows for you to be ventilated.  Third, the tube can provide an entryway for certain drugs in an emergency.

    As a PP stated, there are different levels of sedation and you don't need a tubed airway for all of them.  So it depends on what you mean by your terminology.

  2. It really depends on the level of sedation. There is "Moderate sedation" which is also called "Conscious Sedation" that doesn't require an endotracheal tube (a breathing tube). Anything deeper than that, the physician would likely order it. But don't worry, they don't put them in while you are awake and many people don't even realize they have had one.

  3. usually with conscious sedation you do not have an endotracheal tube, otherwise they would have typically just booked the case for the O.R. with full anesthesia. but they are at the ready big-time just in case.

  4. well the sedation literally relaxes everything in you....i am not sure if you "NEED" it...but i don't think i would ever do a surgery w/o it...not a long one anyway...i know when i had my wisdom teeth pulled the sedated me w/ no tube....but to do something that takes alot of time i would def do doesn't hurt....and no soreness after.....a little scratchy in the voice...but doesn't even hurt like a soar throat...more like a tickle....

  5. during sedation the breathing centers in the brain are not depressed, therefore you can breath on your own
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