
Do you need to be born with Pyrokinesis, or Telekinesis to have the ability?

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Or can you slowly gain the abilities?




  1. search "mind wheel"

    on ebay, this is some interesting stuff

    I'm thinking of making one out of a beer can...

    once I finish my beer

  2. Who knows? We're still waiting to see the first instance of either one of these abilities. To date, no one has succeeded in demonstrating either of them. But when that happens, then we can start wondering where the ability comes from.

  3. there is no such thing as pyrokinesis or telekinesis in real life. they're not physically possible.

  4. I like to use my pyrokinetic abilities to cook lunch and dinner. For one thing it is legal to burn the roast, for another, it saves energy. And that is good for the environment.


  5. wow - have all these answers convinced you already?

    what do they know, i wonder...

    you, as all of us have a form or all forms of such 'crazy' abilities

    problems, also: go ahead and talk about it and a lot of people who choose not to be aware of them will label you as nuts.

    that's why there are specialized groups, where you can feel like home.

    good news is we are [constantly] in an age of mass awakening, so sooner or later it won't be a taboo.

    study your 'form' and find ways to develop it.

    the buddha was often seen to levitate in mid air! jesus walked on water. we bow down to them and treat them as gods or special beings but they denied that.

    buddha tried to teach his followers that they could achieve enlightenment. jesus tried to teach peter to walk on water and for a moment peter suspended his disbelief and could do it. but then he doubted and began to sink.

    that is the key! removing all doubt about your oneness with god, with the universe or whatever you choose to call it. if you could do that for a single second there is no miracle that you could not do.

    in your dreams you often fly or create things with a thought. you could do the same thing in the dream we call life if you could only forget the illusion of mortality and solidity.

    on the other hand, there'll be quite a few more people here who'll try their best to convince you 'you-cannot-do-it'.

    prove them they're wrong!

  6. No one has ever had it, ever.

    Anyone who disputes me, raise my hand or set it on fire.

  7. I wasn't born with either, and when I think really hard "burn" nothing happens. However, when I say "fetch" my newspaper comes to me.  I get used to the slobber and teeth marks.

    Okay, ask yourself.  If anyone in the world's 6.6 billion people had EITHER ability, from birth or from training, do you not think they would be on the "History" channel on cable or on CNN 24-7?  Wouldn't more papparazzi than chase B. Spears be following the person or people that had these wonderful talents?

    I fly in my dreams and Superman does it in the comics, but we are earthbound and no matter how much we "wish" that we, or someone, had superpowers, it does not happen, it has never happened, it probably never will happen.  

    Your question is asked as though it's a common everyday occurrence that is well-documented and taught in 8th grade science books.  Why do you feel so sure that it exists, yet ask us how to get it?  Ask someone who has these abilities where they got them.

  8. those abilities do not exist, no one has been born with them and no one can develop them.

  9. hahahahahahahahahaha

  10. Some here seem to think that if you want something bad enough.Anything you can dream is possible.Unfortunately they are wrong.If you think you can develop these powers.Go right ahead and try.I wish you luck.If you succeed you will be the first.I just hope you don't try to learn to fly.Using the anything is possible technique.

  11. No, you can learn this.  It isn't easy but there are tribes of asian monks sequestered all over tibet and thailand and that area of asia that develop these abilities to their full flower.  These skills are also practiced in india and some carribean islands.

    Edit: OK, Mirko sounded sincere so I hafta drop the other shoe to not be lumped in with hir.  I was kidding, people.  Of course you can't "develop pyrokenisis"!  I don't think pyrokenisis even existed as a word before Stephen King wrote 'Firestarter'.  You'd have the same luck trying to turn yourself into a werewolf.

  12. You failed to mention a third possibility.

  13. some people believe they can be learned. check this link.

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