
Do you need to brag about your kids?

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my daughter has perfect attendance, 412 AR points, and made a 4 on her writing test.

my son got the math facts in a flash certificate and will pass his grade this year a major accomplishment for him as he has tourette syndrome.




  1. I do always talk about my son cuz he's on my mind lots. and he's so cute, he's going to be 5 this year and going to kindergarten, he should be well ahead of his class I believe. I somewhat home school him now in writing/reading so he's off to a great start. And man he's so funny, what a great personality my lil man has. :) Lot's of love to my lil man.

  2. No need to brag.  Every child excels at something, while I am proud of my daughters acomplishments, I don't need to advertise them to everyone to make me seem like a better parent.  My 7 year old was awarded a full scholarship to the Richmond Ballet summer program this year.  I am beyond thrilled for her, but bragging about it will not only make her smug, but make me look like a bragger also.

  3. yeah ur kids r doing really well so u deserve 2 brag:)

  4. I dont think you should brag. TBraging is rude and stuck up. You can let people know about your kids and what cool things they have done but dont brag about it and kisen to what other perents have to say about their kid. I hope this helped!


  5. i find it that if the child has overcome something he/she has never been able to do before then bragging is just right but don't go overboard  and make sure you always tell your child that your proud of them or good job it makes them feel happy when they get a good grade might even have them work harder to earn a good grade again

  6. The good news is my high school senior got a certificate of achievement for AP History that comes with a $500 award!

    The bad news is that he locked himself out of the house and broke a part of the roof trying to climb into a second floor window! (He didn't hurt himself, thank goodness.)

    My kid's a genius and an idiot at the same time!  How many parents can brag about that?!

    P.S.  I think it's awesome about your daughter and son!  And thanks for the chance to crow!

  7. "Need" to brag? No. No need. I like to talk about kid stuff from time to time, but don't want to seem obnoxious with all of the "how wonderful my kids are" stuff.

  8. I wouldn't necessarily call a "need to brag".  I think it just natural to be proud of your kids and to tell people all the great things they do.  Most parents are like this.  There is a limit to it in the general sense..basically this shouldn't be the only thing you talk about.  You should also be excited to hear what other mothers have to say.  Otherwise it sounds like your kids are doing great you should be very proud!  Especially congrats to your son...that is a definitely a major accomplishment and I hope he is just as proud of himself as you are of him.  Good job mommy!

    congrats Arsby  that is really great!...however the tearing the roof apart kinda made me  Kids are hilarious aren't they?

    OH I guess I kinda wanna  My son who has ADHD had two grade cards with all A's and B's...before this he has mostly been a C student due to attention issues.  I am SOOOO proud of him and am so excited for next year.  He also scored on the accelerated level for math and reading for his state tests.  Woooohooo I love it when children obtain a goal.

    EDIT...thank you for asking this question.  I loved it!!  I second the "finally something positive" comment.  lol.

  9. HAHHA.  I love it!  I do!  I do!  My son has wonderful grades...all A's and one B.  And he has been selected by this gym teacher (he's only 10 years old) as one of the two kids in his grade to be "watched" and "having a file made on him" to the Junior High Coach as being very talented in sports!  I'm really proud.

    Edit:  Arsby and Momma31...Congrats on great accomplishments!  Akbutner!  You too...congrats.  

    I don't think there is anything wrong with a little "bragging" every now and then.  This was a great question too.  Finally something positive.

  10. all parents earned bragging rights the minute our children are daughter at age 3 could ride a bike (without training wheels) roller skate and roller blade. she was the only one in her gymnastics class who could do a cartwheel. now she is 8 and is on the honor roll. has many awards for terrific kid  and math facts... yes i am soooooo very proud of her and myself for raising her by myself.

    congrats to all the accomplishments posted here

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