
Do you need to drink more fluids when using herbal/nutrient supplements?

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I recently started a regimen of supplements. A multi-vitamin, plus magnesium and calcium pills, ginseng and vitamin E.

I ask this question because of, well, urine. Before, my urine was clear, indicating I drink enough fluids. Now that I'm taking these supplements, my urine is radioactive yellow.

Is this the body "adjusting" to the new stuff, that is, building a tolerance and flushing a lot of it out right away? Or do you just need more fluid in the body to tolerate these things?




  1. It's the multi-vitamin. It has B vitamins in it, which will make urine bright yellow. Stop the multi one day and you'll see. It's harmless and does not mean you need more fluid. The only thing that might require more would be if you were taking diuretic herbals, like Dandelion root, Uva Ursi, Cornsilk, Parsley and related.

  2. Gross.  You have redbull pee

  3. The B vitamin Riboflavin (it is probably in the multi-vitamin) gives the urine this bright yellow does NOT mean it is more concentrated. Drinking more water  is likely a good idea anyway!

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