
Do you need to have direct contact with someone who has AIDs to catch AIDS ...?

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Or can u catch AIDS by touching something that someone with AIDs or someone who lives with someone that has AIDS touched?




  1. HIV (virus that can lead to AIDS) is not transmitted by casual contact, and it is not transmitted by saliva.  The only way you could get HIV by kissing someone is if you both have open cuts or sores in your mouths. You can touch, hug, or even kiss an infected person without fear of being infected.  HIV does not live more than a few minutes outside the body.

    HIV is transmitted by unprotected s*x with an infected person, direct contact with infected blood (infected blood has to get into your bloodstream through an open sore or cut, or by sharing needles for drug use), it can be transmitted by a woman to her baby during birth, and it is found in breast milk.

  2. First, you "catch" HIV not AIDS. In order to be come HIV infected you need to share needles that the blood of someone who is HIV+ has been in and then injected into someone who is negative. The other way to become infected is unprotected s*x, both vaginal and anal. The body fluid that has HIV gets into your body and you could become infected.

    By just living with someone who is HIV+ and touching items that they have touched will not infect you. I have lived with someone who is HIV+ for over 12 years, and am not infected.

  3. its possible only if you and they have open sores..bleeding or something like that, and those openings come in contact with each other, swapping spit is another way. Casual touching of items will not transmit the virus

  4. of corse NOT. where did u get that frm? u can even share a drink with someone with aids!!!!!!!!

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