
Do you need to mount a Fire Extinguisher on a boat?

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i have a fire extinguisher but do you need to mount it or can you keep it on your boat? i tried finding a law about but can not find it. Please answer only if you know the answer thanks




  1. YES because if your boat catchs on fire i will hope u live from the explosion

  2. you should mount it but they will not ticket you as long as you have one, unless your boat is over 40', or a commercial vessel

  3. If you don't, it will roll all over the place.

  4. i dont know if your fire extinguisher needs to be mounted or not. but it has to be in plain sight if a safety patrol boat pulls you over for a inspection. now, in some states(that is if you live in U.S.A.) it is a required safety device and it depends on the length of your boat and weather or not your boat has a gas powered motor propelling it. check with your local D.N.R. or coast guard for your boating regulations and safety requirements. have a happy and safe boating season.

  5. Put it in a accessible place out of the weather like in the console easy to get>

  6. I read laws from several different states.  The only thing they say is the fire extiguisher must be US Coast Guard approved and it must fully charged and stowed away from the area that may catch fire (i.e. engine compartment).  There were not any laws about mounting a fire extiguisher.  I guess, how ever you want to stow it is your business.  Just make sure it is easy to get to.

  7. Check with the coast guard, They will be able to help you

  8. I've never heard a law that requires the fire extinguisher to be mounted in the boat. It's a good idea to have it mounted so that you always know where it is and it doesn't roll around but I don't believe it's mandatory.

  9. sort of, you must have it in an accsebile spot,easy to get to

    so most hang it depending on the size of your boat 2 are required by coast gaurd

  10. I've passed safety inspections with the fire extinguisher in an open compartment -- doesn't make it right -- just my experience.

  11. no you just have to have one onboard even if its a o.b.

  12. Actually, this question is on some of the tests for a Coast Guard License.  The answer is, that ANY FIRE EXTINGUISHER you use on a boat MUST BE UL APPROVED... and part of that UL approval is, it MUST BE MOUNTED PERMANENTLY where you can easily reach it... so not mounting it, VOIDS the UL APPROVAL.

  13. Yes, you do in fact have to mount the fire extinguisher(s) on a boat.  The number of extinguishers, their type and size varies with the length of the boat, so, the Coast Guard puts out a pamphlet explaining this regulation.  The U.S. Power Squadron and most marine dealers have this information available.

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