
Do you need to show proof of money in your bank account to enter or leave foreign countries?

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Do you need to show proof of money in your bank account to enter or leave foreign countries?




  1. Proof of sufficient funds is needed during the application of a visa. The country you are entering would like to know how you would support yourself over the period of time you plan to stay in a foreign country. An example is when you apply for a F-1 visa or a B2 visa. I have not heard of anyone being requested to show a bank account when they enter or leave the country's airport.**

  2. depends on the country ...if ur in philippines and traveling to US for instance, u need to show proof u have enough money and assets that u have reason to return to ur country ... but if ur in US and traveling to philippines u dont need a visa and a two-way airline ticket and a passport is sufficient ...

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