
Do you need to take a iq test to prove how smart you are?

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I never took one before or even attempted to take one. Dosent it only measure your academic smartness and not your common sense, artistic ability, other abilities outside of math science and english? How is it rated like what is a perfect score what is an average score?




  1. A test can not tell you what your brains name is so it cant tell you if your smart or not because all test are biased in some form.

    What I say makes a person smart:


    Academic knowledge

    Common sense


    Good memory

    Socially smart

    Strong minded

    Mentally & physically controlled

    Problem solver

    Good liar



    All of which im over 50% of so im smart I know some of them are bad but thats life init

  2. A high IQ usually means that you're able to spell (Dosent?)......

  3. The standard IQ test only measures intelligence.  Unfortunately too much importance is put on them and if your say autistic or dyslexic you need to be tested differently because you're brain interprets things differently.  

  4. I took one online once.  But it was brief and i don't think extremely accurate. And there wasn't a time limit.  After the test, i realized what one of the answers was so I guess if there is no time limit, I am actually smarter than I thought I was?  

    Anyway, you are as smart as you tell yourself you are, kinda.

  5. usually iq tests test your ability in about any ability. they give you a score and usually give you something like a table to see where you fit in. they also tell you what ability you are est at.

  6. iq tests for the most part avoid artistic ability and such and only measure academic intelligence. originally they werent even designed to be used to test how smart a person is, only to test young school children and track their progress but that has obviously been overlooked in modern times. The average score for the test is 100 and the higher the number the smarter the pesron and the lower the number the "dumber" the person. But these tests are unreliable and avoid many aspects of the human mind so i wouldnt recommend using it

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