
Do you need to tip a lazy sleeping car attendent on an Amtrak Train?

by  |  earlier

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Its not just the attitude. I didn't get my papers, my complementary morning drink, and I have to make my own bed, even though it was said to be provided.




  1. "tips" means "to insure proper service."

    if they don't provide it, they shouldn't get it, regardless of whatever else is going on in their lives. Plus, they are well-paid federal employees, not waitresses making sub-minimum wages reelying on tips.

    But it is not enough just to not tip - that just makes the employee think you are a poor tipper; they may well rationalize that they "did" their job. You should leave a note in lieu of a tip, and consider sending a letter to Amtrak management as well.

  2. If the service was poor I would say no.

  3. No.  Tips are for good service.  If you are not getting the service promised you should offer a tip to the attendent's supervisor.  Namely, get rid of this guy.

  4. you ever think that maybe he had a long day or week maybe pulled a double? you ever wish somebody might cut you osme slack? people sleep when they are tired. until you know the deal I would just shut up and have a nice day.

  5. Tipping: "A gift of money given to a servant or waiter, etc in return for service done well."

    As he neither did your service, nor did those services well, it can be considered that he does not deserve a tip.

    One should never tip for anything below average service. Even if that industry is "subsidised" by tips, that is no excuse for poor service. And a "bad day" is certainly not an excuse for poor service.

  6. nope

  7. I would say tip them, but at a rate with what their service was to you. If you would normally tip someone, say 20%, for normal service, if their service was half of what you expected for normal service then tip half of what you normally would, i.e. 10%.

  8. Imagine you were a cab driver and you were having an off day because something seriously bad had just happened in your personal life.  You were feeling depressed and perhaps not giving your normal cheerful smile and courteous attention to your passengers.  Wouldn't you feel it if nobody tipped you that day because of your (apparent) surly attitude?  Everybody is human and you should always imagine yourself  in the other person's shoes before criticizing  their attitude and/or performance

  9. Absolutely not.

    They get over $20 an hour and sometimes on overtime.

    They are the last person that need a tip/

  10. Tipping is always optional.

  11. Tips are for service.  You can stiff him because service was poor, and that is accepted as OK, esp. if you had to complain.  A noticeably low tip of 5-10% might get the message across more pointedly, though.

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