
Do you need your coffee fix? tony does?

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Do you need your coffee fix? tony does?




  1. Tony definately does!  I always do... at least every five hours!

  2. No I don't. Neither do I know who Tony is

  3. i used to but I'm currently addicted to relentless, about 3 cans daily... what with the hot weather ( woo-hoo! ) and cos i'm too lazy to brew and cos it tastes gooood ;o)

  4. i agree with tony

  5. Yeah i'm a moody c*w without it!!

  6. i cant start the day with out my  coffee

  7. Ahh a good cup of coffee and the newspaper ... it's the simple pleasures in life that matter most!

  8. I used to, but I cut back for health reasons.  Now I drink tea usually but I find that when I leave the house I DO need a Tim Horton's coffee fix.  

    Who's Tony?

  9. definitely, and it"s good that  tony does too                                                       !

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