
Do you normally swell straight after wisdom teeth extraction?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, i had 4 wisdom teeth and 1 baby tooth and the adult tooth(in my gum in the front) taken out yesterday under general anesthetic and was just wondering a few thing, any info would be great thanks.

I am very sore, mainly in the front but my wisdoms area seems ok not too bad as i have good painkillers, but i have not experienced any bruising or swelling...does this come strightaway or does it come a day after or something? sorry to sound a bit dull but everyone i have asked has said the swelling is really bad after having your wisdoms out. Also, i am terrified of disloging the clots which would cause dry socket...when do you think i will be able to relaxe more and be able to eat a little better? Thank you.




  1. well bruising and  swelling is objective reactions  that is  the  body reactss in its own way for  every individual ! so its  not when will it appear or you hav to wait fot it but yes its  normally after 10 to 14 hours  of the  procedure! it might last for  two to three days!

    swelling is  not an abnormal or a bad sign after getting tooth out ! Its  perfectly normal and a common sign!

    Asfar as gettin your clots  dislodgement is  concerned then you need to take  few precautions like  avoid  eating  hard food dtuuffs for  few days  avoid hot  or  spicy food stuffs, avoid  sucking with straw , avoid smoking if you  smoke,avoid scrubbing that area with tooth brush , take medications  prescribed by your dentist and do warm saline  gargles thrice a  day !  Take care of all these instructions  and you will be  just fine ! you will be able  to eat  soft and bland food  after afew hours  from the  procedure and will be able to eat all kind of diets   in around 14  to 20 days !

  2. well normally there is some swelling right away after a tooth is pulled.  I  wouldn't worry if you didn't notice swelling.  Maybe you just don't swell much.  I also wouldn't worry about dislodging clots as that shouldn't cause any problems.  Your oral surgeon should have gave you directions on how to care for your mouth but if your in doubt you should call them.  I know its ok to rinse with warm salt water after the first 24 hours though.

    here a link though if your in a rush

  3. its normal after all people dissimilar. But yes you may have protuberance. Just because ur gum may be still tender inside. and the bone in your gum has respond in a unconstructive way. noting to be anxious about. if you feel the problem is worsen please inform your dentist. for cream for your gum to stop swelling up. ok

  4. Not everyone has a swelling after wisdom tooth extraction.

    You will have some discomfort after the extractions, but make sure you follow the instruction your dentist gave you -

    most importantly do the regular how water and salt mouth rinses.

    I would not worry about the clots, as long as you don't poke them they should stay in place and the wounds will have already started healing.

    Best of Luck

  5. i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out and i had extreme sweeling the day after and i mean extreme lol i looked liked betty boop but my friend had all of hers out to and she didnt swell at all. it took me about 4 days to be able to eat a bit better. dont touch anything in ur mouth like the clots you will cause more bleeding and might open the wound worse and it will be very painful, give it about a week maybe a bit longer and you will be as gold as gold

    ps i feel for you honey lol good luck

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