
Do you not answer the door when you think it is a Jehova's witness or a mormon?

by  |  earlier

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Cause I just turned off the tv and hunkered down until they went away!




  1. Yes, I do.

    I like arguing with them until My house gets marked as Not There!

    A friend of mine got rid of them in a unique way;

    He worked Grave Yard and had got home late one day. When He got out of the shower his doorbell rank. 3 Jehova's Witness Women were standing there and started into their schpeal. He held up his hand and said;

    If your not Off My Property in 10 Seconds. I'm going to drop this Towel and Grunge Fornicate the Three of YA!

    That was 14 years ago and they haven't been back since.

    So what ever works for you.

  2. I answer the door and either zone out if they are dudes, or hit on them if they are chicks.  

  3. i do and will talk politely with them for a while before I tell them I have an orgy to get to right away

    just kidding

  4. no I do not answer the door when they come calling

  5. These people live a religion that can't be justified logically. I taunt them with facts and logic. Most of the time they don't come back. Those that do bring "elders" or what ever they call their superiors. It's entertainment, and I hope I've enlightened more than one.

  6. I hate door-to-door sales. I won't buy their products even if they sound good, and I feel no compunction to be cordial with them if they won't take no for an answer. When my wife fell in love with a Kirby vacuum I still told the dude no, even when he insisted he was required to dump the dirt he'd just cleaned back on our carpet. (We found the vacuum for hundreds less on eBay later.)

    So I bet you can guess what was my least favorite part of being a Mormon missionary. Sorry if I bothered any of you, if I'd had it my way we'd have been back at the apartment playing cards.

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