
Do you not find a Humble & Meek person attrative....?

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contrasted to it's opposite.




  1. its not that theyre not attractive. its that in this world, they will be seen as inferior and weak when really they have the most moral courage of all to stand by their principles even in the face of adversity. being humble is a good thing. and so is being meek.

    also, they may not be as interesting. maybe thats a turnoff.

    i find them attractive though.

  2. Haha, not really.

  3. Unfortunately nowadays we think of 'humble and meek' as being synonymous with shy and weak.  I think humble and meek means knowing who we are in the universe, that we have a respect for nature and God (or whatever you think of as creation etc) and that we realise we are a part of that.  Being meek doesn't mean being means not resorting to violence...knowing that violence always brings more violence sooner or later.

    I am not attracted to arrogant, violent people...but I am attracted to calm people whoknow their worth without being arrogant and who can stand up for themselves and their beliefs with language or with their silence.

  4. I don't think humble or meek are negatives. People have more to them than that. I would probably want to get to know them. But contrasted to it's opposite arrogant and loud. They are personality traits I don't like and wouldn't really bother trying to get to know them.

  5. My dear..."Nick of Time"... remember your quote from : Marc Twain...about the honors "to be deserved"...- well...a humble & meek person would most likely be "the one"...deserving those honors...-yet would never "claim" or demand the "contrasted" (overbearing, vain & arrogant) individual probabloy would... You get my point???

    As for my part, I know quite a "few" humble, bashful & introverted people & I prefer to be around them much MORE...than...those "attractive" ones, who think..."they're IT" !!! Anyway...INNER BEAUTY  always tops the "outward appearance" in "my book" !!! The "best example" is : Paris Hilton....-this chick is as hollow as "Cracker Jack".-..her IQ does NOT exceed your "room-temperature"...-yet-...she's "the world's"...IT-girl !!! anyone can "admire" a person like her !!!! Her "fakeness" makes my "stomach turn"...anytime I see her !!! There isn't "an ouce" of authentity about her & the rest of those so-called "attractive" people!!!! For this I take "my hat off" for all humble & meek individuals!!!

    Wishing you all thr best for the future!!! Greetings from Germany with lots of authencity & humbleness...Annette***

  6. Judging by their historical popularity, sages such as Jesus and Buddha were the most attractive people who ever lived; as in, people are still attracted to their lives and teachings by the millions, and this is thousands of years after they have died!

    People are always more attracted to sages after they have died.  While they are alive people resent their goodness.  Thus the crucification, for instance.  People do not like the comparison.  But after they die, people are liberated from the comparison.  Then they realize what an amazing person that sage truly was.  Their fame reaches astonishing heights.

    The name Krishna means "all-attractive one" indicating that all life forms are attracted to the glories of the Lord in some manner.

    All of these people were the epitome of humble and meek.  What you mean, I think, is are these people sexually attractive.  The answer is: probably not; what does a sage have to do with sexuality?

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