
Do you not think the mischief makers will be punished?

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Mischief making is when someone goes out trying to incite people with no intention of doing good.




  1. Questioning is not bashing!!!

    Whenever i pose a qstn,i am accused of beinf no-muslism,being a jew and what not!!!

    Well,I just dn't care bcoz Allh knows my intentions..I dn't understand why muslims think that they are above all criticisms,even when we ourselves bash others..

  2. Do you know that in order to be a religious person that you dont need a d**n brain?

  3. Sorry but whats "mischief making"??

  4. Allah will weigh all bad and good deeds of humans on the day of Judgment by Allah. Whoever will have higher bad than good deeds will have to bear punishment.  How much punishment will depend on the extend of bad deeds.  Lesser bad deeds will be wiped out by the good deeds and such people will end up in heaven.

    It also will depend on the Mercy of God.  Some of our few but excellent deed may be able to wipe out lots of our smaller level bad deeds. For example, if a son or daughter sacrificed her/his happiness and never married to take care of  sick mother until she died.  This deed may weigh so heavy in the eyes of Allah, that all her/his bad deeds  may be nullyfied by  this one good deed  of  taking care of sick mother.  

    Murder is not forgiveable because only God has right to take life of a human and not a human except for his/her  own defence.  

  5. They will be punished in this life time and the next. Every word they write, they will have to answer to it, even smaller then an atom weight of EVIL will encompass them, and they will not have any helpers

    These are they, the secrets of whose hearts Allah knows well. So turn away from them and admonish them and speak to them an effective word concerning themselves. (quran 4:63)

    But if they turn away, then remember that Allah fully knows the mischief-makers.. (Quran 3:63)

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