
Do you notice, or can u tell people who are extremely shy,have anxiety, and fear of people?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering....what u think about this is great info for me!




  1. I  think that a lot of people are like that- and though some people may roll their eyes and say, "go out and DO something", that all these people have rights to do what they want to do. I am actually part of that group, and I don't want to spend a lot of time with other people, but that doesn't mean they should tell me what to do or say things about me behind my back.

  2. lots of people are that way, no big deal.  

  3. Well, given the question i suppose i just found someone like that.

    Just relax, be cool and do something to gain more confidence in yourself.

  4. Most people have anxiety and worry about what others think but some hide it better and others have more severe anxiety. When I noticed those people I think they are WAY too hard of themselves and they need to relax. People are too busy wondering about themselves to even pay attention or think about you.

  5. Well,not all the time.I was quiet and didn't talk to the kids in my class room,but that doesn't mean i was shy because I really wasn't.I just liked to stay to myself,and when i would start talking to them,they'd be like we thought you were shy.So sometimes you can,and others you can't.A big sign though,is if they studder around people (if they don't have a speach problem).and they look at you,and then look away,and do it again.

  6. Often you can tell when someone has social anxiety. They may not look at you when they speak. They're posture is a bit stand offish. The may also look at their feet when they talk. Thay may even play with their hair, bite finger nails, or anyother distraction.

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