
Do you notice alot of competition at your rink?

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for me, there is always these girls that just stand and stare and me and then others that will purposely get in my way and skate just a mega-inch away from me. i don't get it---why do people have to play such mind games on the ice?!




  1. At my rink, no, there isn't a lot of competition. We all hate it when we get in each other's way, plus we are all friends. So every time we do get in each other's way we yell 'Sorry!'

    Sometimes I feel a little self concious when doing something that I'm not very comfortable with. But all my friends who have skated longer than I have give me tips.

    And sometimes my friends and I will watch someone else, but that it usually when they ask us so we can tell them how high it is, etc. Then during competitions someone will play their program and we will watch and tell them some pointers, and hints, but mostly 'Good job!'

    Don't let those girls bother you. Ice skating is a tough competition. Look at Tonya harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Just practice hard. It will pay off in the end. Sometimes people think they are better than other skaters (in this case, you, no offense) and will try to prove their point. Other times it's the exact opposite. Skaters will feel self concious, and try to do what you are doing, or will try to be mean just so they can feel good about themselves. Like I said before, ignore them, and just focus on you. But I that will be hard, so why not and try to make some friends out of them? Then you might find out why they act like this.

    Good luck! I hope this helps!

    Edit: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you if I did. I'm just saying that sometimes people can be jealous. You never know. Maybe the other skaters think you are the best. lol! :)

  2. Oh yeah....and it's always been that way.  I noticed it more when I was younger -- other skaters my age were so competitive with each other...even practice ice was a competition!!!  haha The irony of it all is now that we're all older, we're friends and teach on the same ice together!

    Even as an adult skater, I notice it.  Fortunately or unfortunately, I think I'm often mistaken for being younger than I really am, so I have these teenage girls and 20-somethings doing the old "show up" know the game, when someone new gets on the ice, they have to establish what level they are and how talented they are.  Once that's determined, the other skaters "prove" themselves, just so everyone knows who is "better."  It's so childish and I think some of it can just be attributed to the sport and a sport dominated by females.  :)  I'm just there because I love to skate for me and luckily, I've matured to the point that their games don't bother me much anymore.  I know they're better than me and they have all their doubles and they're working on their junior what!  

    It is sad though because I'll run into girls on a freestyle who drive me nuts.  Even the coaches complain about some skaters!  If there are only 3 people on a session, there's no real reason why anyone should get in anyone's way.  It never fails, but there will be some chick who has to be on top of you everywhere you go!  You can't even be working on jumps in one end of the rink without them just having to end up in that corner too!  My complete favorite is the little super star who thinks she's the next Tara Lipinski or something who has to get in everyone's way all in one jump pass.  Being "older," natrually I try to let my frustration show, but when I'm always watching out for everyone else who never watches for me when it's my turn...sometimes it's hard to be quiet.  Rink etiquette is clearly a lost art!!  :)

  3. definitely.

    at my rink im usually the highest in level when im practicing so some of the other girls who think im their "competition" will try to get in my way or distract me or even ATTEMPT to do what im doing (which is dangerous). before i would always stop and try to skate around them, but seriously if you just go at top speed and show them that they need to get out of your way, they will get out of your way.

    or yell "excuse me" when you are skating your program (thats what all of the older girls did before they retired)

    for the girls that just stand and stare, i find it kind of nice. during my program its like a little bit more insentive to show off. im not much of a show off outside the ice rink, but skating is just one of those things where i like to present myself as much as possible.

    im not saying im the best skater EVER. just usually when im practicing im the only one of my level on that ice.

    e-mail me!

  4. yeah i get that at my new rink, because i dont know anyone yet, so it seems like they're all jsut trying to see whether im better than them... ill be skating round with my coach and they decide to skate like right next to me and do all their hardest jumps..,. kinda pathetic really.

    but that never happened at my old rink, because it was in a small country town (dont ask me WHY we had an artistic club, but we did somehow)

    but everyone knew eachother, so there was kinda no point being bitchy, because we'd all see eachother at school the next day. lol

    at the rink i train at now (cant drive an hour EVERY day) theres no artistic club, so im the only art skater there... which means that every time i jump or spin, a crowd of 6 year olds come up and go "teach me!"


  5. i did...and then i moved to another rink! here, there isn't so much competition that i've noticed, although there may be some among the elite level skaters. but i feel your pain...just keep your cool, take the high road and treat everyone with respect, even if they don't deserve it! ;) happy skating!

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