
Do you notice and appreciate the beautiful things all around you?

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Does it make you feel inspired, glamorous, romantic, and beautiful?




  1. You know that I praise GOD often and compliment his creation quite often. Whether it is a sunrise , full moon, beautiful tree , etc...etc...

  2. Of course I do....I even stop to smell flowers or watch a butterfly....

  3. I live in a pretty flat state. Barely any hills. A few rivers. Then I went on a vacation to New Hampshire, which was abundant with towering mountains and simply beautiful brooks. It was then that I realized that, if in this small state of NH nature can produce something so inspiringly gorgeous, the rest of the world must have more. I am just beginning to appreciate - not notice, I have already done that - the beautiful things around me, and I am glad I am.  

  4. I always take some time to appreciate the beauty of nature. Looking at nature inspires me. I love seeing peafowl (I get to see them a lot where I go to school). Peafowl are so colorful and gorgeous. I even like their calls!!!  

  5. Yes I appreciate the beautiful things around me, but why should they make me feel glamorous, romantic and beautiful?  I don't see the connection. I would feel glamorous if I was wearing glamorous things in a glamorous setting, romantic with someone romantic, and beautiful regardless of whether there are beautiful things around me.

    So I might feel inspired, but none of the other adjectives.  More likely to feel relaxed, interested, happy and amazed by beautiful things.

  6. I try to, but it's kinda hard when I have to write 45 pg. paper for my economics class by thursday and be at work at 5 o'clock. Seriously, I wish I could appreciate the world all the time, but modern life makes it difficult.

  7. yes. the world is so beautiful.

  8. "and i think to myselff what a wonddder fulll worrrld== yes, final answer=

  9. Only  when   Im  "in  the  ZONE"...!!!

  10. it makes me feel full . . full of life. now that i'm awake you know? God just opens your eyes to all the blessings and everything that could be taken away .... i'm thankful.  

  11. I feel lucky that my God is so generous to bless me with so many beautiful things that are a true gift! Rainbows, flowers, rivers and their sounds, mountains and the beaches, and I could just go on and on, sunsets and sunrises, oh I need to stop and go enjoy something beautiful! Have a great day!

  12. It doesn't make me feel anything that i can explain really. maybe inspired...sometimes being at the beach at night makes me feel loved, even when I am completely alone...

    But yeah, I believe I'm one of the very few who do.

  13. Yes, when i take the moment to stop and clear my mind and just look at what surrounds me. it is very inspiring  

  14. I don't mostly.  I mostly take things for granted and things are overlooked by my busy lifestyle.  When I stop to look at all the beauty, I want to cry.  I babysit my nieces everyday, but when I really see how lucky I am to have them....I feel completely blessed.  

  15. I love the beauty in my life.  I am a macro photographer and have developed an eye for finding some of the tiniest animals, and objects of nature that most people will never see in this world.  I love to capture this new perspective and share it with the world.  

    I have found I love to capture the beauty in dead plant life. Like leaves.  When they die they take on a different color, and texture which is just as beautiful as when it is alive.  

    So, I seek beauty that others overlook, and when I can display my photos I have something to share that most have never seen before.  

    Thanks for reading!

  16. Unfortunately, life gets so busy/crazy/hectic that i take all the beauty around me for granted.  But every time i go outside with my 17 month old daughter i'm reminded again and again how amazing this world is.  It's awesome seeing the world through her eyes.

  17. i sometimes wish i can appreciate things more.. as in the little things i take for granted [like air]

    i guess i would feel motivated and inspired  

  18. Yes I do. Especially natural things like clouds or waves on a lake.

  19. i love it when we go on long car trips cuz thats when i take the time to appreciate what everyone else takes for granted. i like to have my i pod on and just stare out the window at all the wonderful things out there. so many people dont take the time to appreciate all the small things that make life great like the leaves changing color every fall or watching the sun rise signaling a new day and new opportunities. i try hard not to take this wonderful life for granted.

  20. I always try to make it a point to look around and notice all the things everyone takes for granted.  Beauty and inspiration are everywhere, people just don't take the time and imagination to look for it.

  21. Not as much as I should. Most times it slowly creeps up on me and I realize what a beautiful world we live in. Usually we're too busy thinking of the truly mundane facets of our lives to notice the grace and beauty that is our home.

  22. most days when i see all the wonderful things around me it just makes me smile and for a moment i am happy.  

  23. inspired

  24. I notice them, even in the smallest things.

    I notice dumb things like that, the smallest little detail.  I notice the mosquito buzzing outside my window, the fingerprints on the wall...

    I should be a CSI.

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