
Do you notice how people who try to act indie and uncool are actually just like everyone else??

by  |  earlier

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I know some people who dress like it's the 1980's and they buy thrift store items and listen to bands that NOBODY has ever heard of. They're artists. They say they don't want to be like everyone else. BUT in reality they're just trying to be cool in their uncoolness. Why would they want to be like this?? It's like they shun the rest of us who like to wear name brand clothing, play and watch sports and listen to top 40 bands cause we're all the same but ironically they're just like us cause by trying to be so different they're all the same!! Don't get me wrong I went through this faze when I was younger but I got over it. I also Love indie music and different things but I don't avoid popular music or media just to try and seem cool!

Try and realize I'm not upset with these people I'm just trying to see if anyone else notices how people do this. NO immature anwers or name calling please and thank you!




  1. most popular bands these days are indie bands and people who like them only like them becuase they are popular - that makes them a sell-out.

    what also pisses me off is that some of these indie bands are signed to major labels!

  2. If everyone in the world was the same and dressed the same then the world would be pretty boring.  Most of the people you are speaking about are "hippies" and "bohemian style"..  They do everything different because they don't want to fit into the "norm" of society.  Their fashion sense is usually called "Bohemian" and yes they do let the fashion of the 80's run into their music and then run their entire life. A lot of them are "vegans" and they "recycle" and live "green".  There really isn't anything wrong with it as long as they do their own thing and they don't impress it upon anyone else. It isn't for me, but if that is what floats their boat then so be it!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  3. I think it is an attention thing. The key is that you definitely will notice these people in a crowd before you notice the person wearing a regular pair of jeans and a T-shirt. It might not be the case with everyone but I think a lot are looking to be noticed.

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