
Do you notice people do not STOP at stop signs anymore?

by  |  earlier

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if they see a car they slam on the brakes, or if they think they have enough room they floor it and get in front of you

why do they (you) do that?




  1. Yes they don't stop and they pull out in front of you and then slow you down by 10 mph....especially hate that when no one is behind me. It's like they feel the are the most important and have to be first.  If your gonna pull out in front of me then you had better go as fast as I am or faster.  Idiots!

  2. I always stop at stop signs.  no matter where i am.  We call it California stops in Texas, when someone drives up and then kind of slows down, but then speeds back up.  Part of the problem are the police.  I have never seen a police officer come to a complete stop at a stop sign.  Another thing, is people think they are losing so much time between stops.  I think you use more time if you get in a wreck or a cop pulls you over.  Whatever though.

  3. ohh those R stop signs,,though they where just 4 looks:)

    Most of the time there in a hurry,,,some people need to learn to give themselves more time....I see allot of people R suggestion more tickets,,,,which requires more police,,,,,,,which got cut cause of Bush>>>>>>Kinda goes hand in hand don't ya think

    Bush=Housing Crisis=War=Resession=States cutting prgrams=Police force cuts=More people running stop signs




  5. I pause at stop signs if no one is around.  I don't know why I do this, I guess I just think I am in a hurry to get everywhere.  I never completely blow a stop sign, but I rarely ever do a complete stop and wait.

  6. Well, first of all...I'm sure not everyone has done this, so no need to pinpoint "us" on this. Now people in general, they tend to be in a hurry half the time. It's convenient and if they thing they can pull it off they will. I notice mostly teenagers are the ones who are the least knowledgeable of driving who do these stupid things. Then there are senior citizens that also do the same. So, there really is a ton of answers to this...but I'm sure you've done that one time in your life. Just drive safe out there in this nasty weather.

  7. The stop signs with the white outline are optional.

  8. I live in Florida and ride a motorcycle daily. We have a law here that states I must plant my foot down on ground to constitute a stop.

  9. Ah... rolling stops.  A friend of mine was ticketed for a rolling stop at 10 pm on a Friday night in an old folks neighborhood.  I stop at stop signs.  I don't know why everyone else can't see them.  They're bright red and all....

  10. You must be having a bad day! Who cut you off at a stop sign? They know better.

  11. with out pointing a finger at any one , when i was in Mexico they drive the same down their, here in California the ticket for same is up to$150.00 book em dano

  12. cloverfield monster is a r****d because he won't answer his phone I have tried to call him for ten minutes now.

  13. everyone's in a rush...all the time... i don't understand it either. they could always leave wherever they are 5 minutes earlier so they don't have to drive like complete maniacs.

  14. No one ever stops in my neighborhood.  More tickets need to be given.

  15. people have stoped stoping at stop signs .just like they stoped using there single light.

  16. While most of us follow the rules, these people seem to believe that there’s an exception for every rule, and by the grace of God they are it.

  17. I notice them all. Stopped or not. It's the only way to stay alive (or at least out of the hospital) these days.

    I can't tell you why others drive like idiots.

    I follow the law, it makes it easier to collect from their insurance if/when they cream me. BTDT.

  18. Alot of people do the yeilding at a stop sign.  They obvious need to be better cops out of give better driving lessons.

  19. The gov needs to start attaching cameras to them!

  20. A lot of drivers are too busy yakking away on their cell and are not paying attention to the road or they are in a hurry because they did not allow themselves enough time to get to their destination.

    I always hate it when I driving down the road and another driver flat pulls out in front of me when there are no other cars behind me and then they drive 10 miles under the posted speed limit.


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