
Do you notice the difference between C-Span and CNN?

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They may be giving the same basic information, but there are differences in the way the speakers give that information. When I watch C-Span I hear better English and the speakers don't try to act when speaking the way the cable stations anchors do.

CNN and for that matter daytime MS NBC anchors use less polished language, try to act when they read and the women shake their heads often.

The most annoying thing for me are CNN women trying to act when reading the news.




  1. disgusting and ridiculous ate the terms that come to my mind when I think of the daytime anchors at all the cable TV stations. At night they are not as bad.

  2. Yes.

    C-Span is more complete and informative.

  3. The anchors of the Cable TV during th day are disgusting. It would be better to have a good reader read the material without trying to act, which is something they don't know how to do. The language they use is designed to be understood by viewers with bellow average education.

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