
Do you notice the trend of Atheist and Christians?

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I am a devout Christian just to let you all know. What I noticed, especially on the more than useful Youtube, is that there is such a prolonged debate on whether God exist. And then this argument falls into chaos of "Oh your God doesn't exist" and "He does, you need to be saved". I just know such debates will end in stalemate in the future, but I also realized that the matter is of opinions. Obviously, there are more atheist than Christians which has us in a corner. I just want to say that I do not hate atheist at all, I just feel that trying to convince an atheist is like making a stone statue dance with joy for you. It's like, I just want to prosper and so do they which leaves me no doubt to being a Christian. So, fellow Christians and Atheist, what do you feel about each other?




  1. I am a Christian and have been raised as one. I have a good friend who is Atheist. We get along very well and often have intellectual conversations about whether or not God exists. The good thing about these conversations though, is that we both know that we aren't going to convince one another because it is an argument that cannot be won. I and all other religious people can be told about evolution (which i believe in) and all other scientific facts about how Earth came to be but there really is no way to convince someone that God does or does not exist. It's a matter of faith.

    To answer your question, I feel the same about them as I do about any other person with different beliefs and ideas. Whether the person be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. it doesn't matter. I'll be civil towards them and treat them with respect unless I decide they don't deserve my respect. When that point comes I won't start becoming uncivil. I'll just leave.

  2. you mean there are more Atheist in R&S then Christians..

    but not in this world..

    you can't convince them, they have to find God on there own.. all I want is for them to seek God with their hearts

  3. Well, actually, Christians outnumber atheists 2:1, apparently because they're "afraid of God".  Read the statistics.

    Put simply, we don't understand how Christians can be so interested in wanting to "convince us".  Convince us of what?  Unlikely made-up stuff??  This is really boring after a while.

    And who are you all quoting when you say you can't make a stone statue dance with joy?  Do I detect plagiarism?

  4. Regardless of belief, we are all in this together. Our common humanity outweighs our differences.  

  5. We do not walk in defeat  =)  and on this side of heaven our vision is dull we cannot see God's hands at work on a heart of stone, all we can do is what we are told ~ we plant the seeds of Truth and God waters them !

  6. ...more atheist than Christians

    Huh? Please check again. US is primarily a Christian (in all it' denominations) country.

    ...I just want to prosper and so do they which leaves me no doubt to being a Christian.

    Alright. You are confused but alright...

    ...So, fellow Christians and Atheist, what do you feel about each other?

    Like I said, I feel you people are desperately confused.

  7. Christians have strange, irrational beliefs.  

    The ones who are fundies are dangerous and need to be kept out of the government and any positions of power.

    The Atheist vs. Christian debate is a political issue too, not just one of belief, so we can't just ignore it.


  8. A Christian will never convince me I am going to h**l.

    An atheist will never convince me that The Creator is a figment of my imagination.

    And all the name-calling and ridiculing in the world will never change that stance.

    I find the fundamentalist Christians spewing chapter and verse from The Bible as ludicrous as the atheists who quote quantum physics or the laws of relativity.  Neither party has any concrete evidence to support their viewpoint on the existence (or not) of a Higher Power.

    Too many trolls in this forum -- who's only purpose is to antagonise their opposition with unsubstantiated claims.

    As for the larger population - whether Christian, atheist, Hindu, or Calathumpian - the majority of the "sane" population (of which I consider myself one) are perfectly amenable to agreeing to disagreeing on the matter of God; and that's the end of it.

    In la'kech

  9. I think they're wrong. I think they construct straw men and call it an intelligent scientific argument, but I hold no animosity towards them. I just think it's like Thomas Aquinace (I think) said;

    "For the man of faith, no proof is necessary. For the man without faith no proof is sufficient".

  10. If converting an atheist is so hard, stop trying.

    You are on the verge of "live and let live," a noble aspiration.

  11. I'm an Atheist/Agnostic.

    I don't prejudge Christians.  Some might be very intelligent, others not so much, some very nice, others not so much.  It always varies by the individual.  There are certainly Christians that could kick my *** in a debate and all these atheists that are so over confident in a debate.  I love arguments but only when they are serious arguments.  I think everyone should just keep an open mind, stay open to the evidence, open to argument, open to logic, open to persuasion, and keep learning.  Also don't let emotions get involved.

  12. There are far more Christians than Atheists. But Christians can't seem to find their way to the internet as often as Atheists.

  13. I am also a Christian. I believe that most Christians today are so hypocritical that the face of Christianity has been scarred. Some atheists/those of other religions no doubt DO have an argument going for them when they say Christians are pushy with their ideas - but isn't everyone sometimes?

    However, the stereotype for Christians was carved out by the few more outspoken of us. Atheists - give us another try. Don't let your single experience forever taint what you think of Christians.

    For one - did you know it's actually against our Bible to be rude, obnoxious, and forceful when presenting our case? That's not Christian behavior, and I beg that you don't interpret it as right and acceptable for Christians.

    Another thing - we're often hypocritical. Nobody's perfect, though it seems the stereotype of Christians in the world says that we must be without blemish.

    I believe atheists are too harsh on Christians - they make their judgments based on one encounter with us.

    If you think we Christians are extremely hard to convince and turn, think about yourselves. Just as we are biased toward keeping our religion, you, too, are biased, though in your case toward keeping religion out.

    God Bless!

  14. I don't really care. As long as the Christians don't get all offensive and attack me, or others. I even have some christian friends. But they know that I have my limits as well as I know they have theirs, so we are careful not to offend one another badly. Should they offend me badly or annoy me alot, I will lash out in retaliation.

  15. Actually, whether god exists is not a matter of opinion at all, whether chocolate ice cream is delicious is a matter of opinion, the statement that god exists is claiming a fact to be true, and it should be verifiable.  So I'm not content to have a "live and let live" philosophy on the issue, you are clearly free to believe whatever you like, and I would not interfere with that, but if you believe in a magical sky man who made the world, then you have no evidence to support your belief, and you are wrong.  That's just the way it is, you don't get to make absurd claims about the universe with no evidence and have them taken seriously.

  16. I don't give a hoot about Christians, so long as they don't go all 'Love God or go to h**l!'  on me. Given those two choices, to be a faithful sheep and end up in a meat-pie or going to h**l, I'd choose the third option, not believing in either.

    How can I go to h**l if I don't believe in it?

    That's like saying you'll go to Hades Underworld because you don't believe in Zeus.

  17. I feel the same as you. You will never get a stone statue to dance.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6  So when and if they are ready they will come to us for answers and then we can help them.

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