
Do you often feel inadequate if you compare yourself to William or Harry who are so good at everything?

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Do you often feel inadequate if you compare yourself to William or Harry who are so good at everything?




  1. Umm...No, they have quite an advantage over most of the rest of us.

  2. I'm sure I could fly a helicopter and talk like i had cotton wool up my nose if I had an endless  amount of money!!

  3. No, I never feel inadequate in comparison to anyone else.  I always assume that other people are peasants and therefore not of my high status and rank.

    I am a cleaner.

  4. I'd hate to be in their shoes, being photographed whenever you're out in public, having no such thing as a private life, every little indiscretion making the tabloids, speculation on your love life. I can't imagine anything worse.

  5. Don't I just. They are amazing. In these days of no favouritism they still manage to be best at everything they try.

    Their fathers must be proud.

  6. Oh Yes, I have always wanted to be good at playing polo

  7. not really they come from a slimy sperm and egg just like the rest of us and will eventually die just like the rest of us.  the exception is they cost more to the planets resources then most of us.

  8. Yes.  I ALWAYS feel inadequate.. am totally inspired by Baldy and Ging ... Charlie and Hewitt must be brimming with pride . . .

  9. Aren't they brilliant.

    It's just proof, if we needed, it that the Royals aren't a bunch of spoilt parasites. They really are better than us.

    Even the one Charles fathered.

  10. No because I wouldn't compare myself to them in the first place. They are not good at everything, only a selection of things which have been chosen for them to excel at.

    I believe you should be happy with who you are and the skills you have. If you are constantly comparing yourself to others, you will never be happy with your lot.

  11. No one is perfect, not even the royals with all that fame and wealth. Both Prince William and Prince Harry are far from even being close to perfect. After the incident where Prince William was taking "state property" for personal use, he proved to the rest of us that royals do make mistakes like everyone else. They are definitely not divine creatures  and no one should put them up high on a pedestal.

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