
Do you only see what you want to see on yahoo answers ?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes i admit it is due to poor delivery , and other times it is misunderstanding due to text only . But i keep running into this problem where so many people who respond to my threads and im sure it happens with others only read what they want to read or read more into a question than what it asks . In my last question i was very thorouh i explained what i meant as clearly as i could and i even added that i was only asking and notjudging anyone but STILL i had a number of responders who totally bypassed my question and saw what they only wanted to see .

Has any one noticed this on their threads ?




  1. Yes I've noticed this too, no matter what you say, like you're just asking out of pure curiosity or that you're not judging anyone you just would like to know such and such..

    There are people out there who just want to tell others they are wrong, so it seems they are right and that they seem to know everything. They really nitpick into a question/theory given and always find some problem with what you're saying..

  2. yeah...people would rather get their point across about their opinion of your question rather than actually answer it. i get this a lot when i ask questions and i may get 5 people that criticize me for asking the question and maybe a few that actually answer it..who knows. maybe i am doing it right now

  3. I haven't noticed any threads but then I haven't done any sewing for awhile...

  4. I have had this happen many times. They may take the first sentence of your question and give a half answer and then it is like they never read the rest of it. I get answers that have nothing to do with the question I asked. Most of the time, I do not think it is because they do not understand, but rather they do not take the time to read my question throughly and consider their answer.

    I hate getting the smart A_ _ answers that people give just for the fun of it and are not considerate enough to answer it to the best of their ability. I think they are just after the points and do not care what the question is.

    Yes, I believe people see what they want to see and I hate it when they say that I said something I did not say because they did not take time to understand my question and just wanted to give a quck or dumb answer.

    It also frustrates me when someone does not like the questions I asked and tries to put me down for answering. I think these people should not even try to respond to your question but instead go on to the next one they would like to answer. I skip many questions if they do not interest me but I do not go around insulting others because I did not agree with them. Here is a thumbs up for you. :)

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