
Do you or anyone you know give to an animal charity?

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or any celebs you know of? because i cant think of anyone its always child charitys or for people in kenya. i give to WSPA.




  1. Yes, there is a local animal shelter in my town and they put big bins in all the supermarkets and convenience stores in the town. They ask that you put cat,dog,rabbit food in so that they can continue looking after all of their animals!So every time i go to one of these shops i put some in!

    Its not much when you think about it but its nice to know you are helping somewhere local.

  2. I volunteer a few hours each month at a local animal shelter and donate old blankets, shredded paper and stuffed toys to the shelter.

    I'm also a member of The Wildlife Conservation Society

  3. I do =] I sponsor a panda with WWF and donate to Dogs Trust

  4. I do as for as celebs Im pretty sure Pink does

  5. Yes,I give to four animal charities and have a rescued Greyhound.

  6. I give to the local SPCA and Humane Society, as well as Wildlife Warriors (Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin's conservation foundation).

    I have a friend who volunteers with Pets Unlimited, an animal shelter in San Francisco, and another who fosters kittens.

    The more often you give to animal organizations, the more you hear about the celebrities who support those organizations.

  7. I used to sponsor a dog in a shelter We were promised photos and regular updates but did not get anything they did not let us know when they had an open day so I stopped paying

  8. Yes - we donate to Dogs Trust - we got our lurcher from them and know that they do an excellent job. We also sponsor a child in Ghana through Action Aid, in case anyone jumps in with a 'why help animals when there are starving children.....' comment!

  9. One of friends gave his cat to pet charity.

  10. At the moment I can't afford to give much, but I have registered my Food Lion MVP card with the largest no-kill shelter in my state. Everytime I buy something they get a percentage. I've linked the site for anyone who uses Food Lion and would like to choose their charity.

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