
Do you or did you like high school?

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Do you or did you like high school?




  1. I hated school from the time middle school started all the way until my high school graduation.  I was diagnosed with ADD after, so I think that may have been the culprit.

  2. So far it's been alright. I've definitely had a lot of ups and downs though. But I just started my junior year, so we'll have to see what happens :)

  3. its pretty fun but i don't miss it. I'm going off to college this year and i could care less about it now. that chapter is done in my life and I'm looking forward to the future

  4. I am 19 and really miss going to a community college rite now and it just sux, it the same old stuff everyday

  5. High school helped me to find myself.I joined Spanish club. The teacher spoke to us on the way to the hospital to visit and minister to the sick. Even in college I maintained an A in that subject. The Biology teacher got us enthusiastic about nature; and I was a Girl Scout. Today I still love nature activities.Music club took my love for singing to other heights; and now I write lyrics as well as play the keyboard.. The hallowed halls of my high school and the caring teachers[then] keep me alive with memories. Today I am a teacher, carrying on a legacy with pride.

  6. Im in high school right now and wellits hard but i do like it some times i mean i love to be with my friends and love my swim team and my soft ball team and the guys thers very cute guys but on the other hand thers alot of bad people who enjoy making fun of other so i think i do ........... sur ei like high sckoool

  7. i hated it man i loved grade 8 but i hated high school as soon as i got there

    you might have more freedom but no recess with all your friends

    and i lost tons of friends when i got to high school because they made new friends.

    i just liked grade school a whole lot more i loved going out for recess in the winter :)

  8. yeah. its w/e

    im almost done

    there is so much drama

    srsly, people need to grow up

    and stop gossiping and hating.

    although i will admit all girls do it lmao

    and don't date football boys

    i've dated 2 varsity players, captains and co capitans

    other than that its a blast.

    but i know the fun stuff will happen in college.

    i cant wait!

  9. i had attent 3 different hs, well, i like all my high school year except my seinor yrs, i think school is fun, you can make a lot friends and learn alot.

  10. high school is good


  12. it was fun. I had a lot of friends.

  13. dont like it, which is why im dropping out next year and going to TAFE instead.

    thats what all the smart people do. =]

  14. i love high school, but i'm reaaally excited for college :)

  15. I liked High School, it had its ups and downs, but it was good!  

  16. hated it......hated getting up at six in the morning hated the stressful enviroment

  17. High school is as good as you make it. My experience was great and I am really going to miss it as a move on to college.

  18. no. Last year this year. cant wait to get out

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