
Do you or dont you agree?

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MY QUESTION after you read the story: Do you agree/concur with what I told Charlene ?

Charlene (who is very thin) went to a coffee shop for lunch and a girl who is there was eating lunch with her brother. The girl saw Charlene eating a bagel and cream cheese and said; You shouldn’t eat that;. The brother explained that his sister just came from a nutrition lecture.

Later on Charlene asked a coworker: “Do I look fat”

Coworker: “You - you are so skinny”

About an hour later when Charlene was at the Xerox machine Josie came over. Keep in mind the Xerox machine blocked Josie’s view of Charlene

Charlene said: “Josie do you think I am thin?“

Josie hesitantly said: “Well” and then decided not to wait to make copies.

About two hours later Charlene got up from her chair to do something Josie ran over to Charlene.

Josie said: “Charlene; I only saw you sitting down, my god you are thin.;

That night Charlene called me. After she told me the story she asked me if she can accept the fact that Josie thinks Charlene is thin?”

I told Charlene: “Yes you can accept the fact she thinks you are thin and the only reason she first said well was because she never saw you standing, Josie only saw you sitting”


This happened in 1987 when my friend Jane was at work. Jane was talking to Nancy and Bob (one of her seven bosses).

Bob: “Nancy you are skinny”

Jane: “What about me”

Bob: “Jane you are fat, Nancy is skinny”

(Bob knows Jane is very obsessed with weight)

Later on Jane thinks Bob said to her that he was only kidding. And she DOES Know for a fact that her bosses always said “Jane you eat to live, we live to eat”

Any way in 1987 Jane was taking massive doses of vitamins and minerals and she thinks she blew up like a balloon.

Even though Jane has an excellent memory in this case Jane cannot remember if the incident with Bob is real or she imagined it. So Jane called me and asked me what I thought and I told her the following: No one would flat out tell someone they are fat unless it was a joke. They might say something like you know you are a little bit overweight or something a bit more polite. Jane the incident could be real because you did say Bob told you he was clowning around. Also guys like to annoy girls and play on their sensitivities





  1. Your details are rambling and obscure exactly what it is that you are asking if we agree with, but general rule-do not make derogatory comments about someone else's body habitus. If someone asks you, it's fine to answer but keep it tactful. None of us is perfect enough to insult others.

    Like the old comeback goes-"I may be fat but I can lose weight-ugly goes bone deep!"

  2. You didn't finish your punctuation.

    Edit, hey y'all not bob. not jane (hello?)

  3. Mm.Its hard to say. If Charlene remembers what Bob said in 1987 at the copy machine then Jane could have thought she was fat. Nancy telling Josie about her weight problems are out of line & should have been reported to the other six bosses.Especially since she had the knowledge after being at a nutrition lecture .It is a well known fact that all vitamins made in 1987 gave one a bloated look.Even Bob knew that!

    (Although he did have a bad habit of hiding behind the xerox machine.)

  4. Anyone who is not sure that their weight is right for their height should firstly go to a site to calculate their BMI (body mass index). If theyre still not convinced with the figures in front of them, they could ask a trusted friend or relative. And if theyre still not convinced, then they need to see  a GP to rule out an eating disorder. Thats what I think.  

  5. I concur with you that Bob must have been joking, just trying to get under her skin.

  6. Jane sounds like a nutcase, and Charlene sounds like any other girl whos getting a little selfconscience about herself.  

  7. 1987? Holy c**p!  If Jane has such an outstanding memory after all these years, could you ask her where I put my car keys the other night??  (cause frankly...I'm just at a loss)      LOL

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