
Do you or has anyone you know had a vaginal birth after c-section? What were their experiences, how did it go?

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Do you or has anyone you know had a vaginal birth after c-section? What were their experiences, how did it go?




  1. I had a c-section with my first child after a long labor. My second child was born vaginally. I almost had the second one in the car on the way to the hospital after laboring(unknowingly) at my house. So I guess all in all it went fine and I got to experience both ways.

  2. My sister did.  Twice. She was very happy with her vaginal births, her recovery time was much less, she was walking around SO much better after having the other two vaginally, she had some tearing, but she still said that was better then the c-section.  It was an emergency c-section, and to this day she doesn't understand why anyone would want to schedule one, and she is so glad she had a doctor that was willing to even let her try, considering nowadays doctors aren't so willing to let a woman go VBAC.

  3. I did. This is a topic very close to my heart. I was 19 when I went into labor with my first child my water broke and my contractions came on fast, I was dialated to a 6 when I got to the hospital. Being that this was my first child and I had only done the cheesy lamaze classes I had no idea what was happening to me and how to deal with the pain, at lamaze they pretty much prep you that at some point you'll want to take the medication offered, so when the nurse came in and told me the guy with the epidural wouldn't be able to do mine for an hour and did I want stadol I took it without hesitation. They are dr's after all. My rapidly progressing labor all but stopped, I was out of it and practically drooling I was a mess, when it came to pushingI was useless I couldn't feel a thing (by then they had given me the epidural) and they eventually came to using the vacum extractor and the forceps, after all that we did an emergency c section. I became pregnant with my second child and almost every dr told me I would have to schedule my c-section. That was NOT going to happen in my book. I changed dr's 5 times until I got one that was going to let me birth like a woman, they way I was intended. That meant no fetal monitoring belt (so I could walk around), the tub if I wanted, freedom to do as I choose. I ended up with a dr practice and used the Midwife, I told her if she didn't take me I was doing it myself at home. I am so happy she took me on. I took Bradley classes which I highly highly recommend, these classes(or read the Bradley method books) teach you how to be in charge, what exactly is going on with your body, positions that will feel the best while laboring, how to really give birth naturally WITHOUT MEDICATION. This is important as it is a PROVEN FACT that the drugs not only are giving your unborn child large doses of drugs from the heroin and cocain family but it can stall your labor and make you need the dreaded csection due to failure to progress.  You need bradley. I went into labor with my second child and was dialated to a 6 once again by the time I got to the hospital I refused medication, they did intermitten fetal checks, I drank water, I walked and changed positions, I was dialated to a 10 and had 2.5 hrs of pushing (due to the fact this was my actual first child I pushed out) I pushed out my gorgeous healhy baby boy! Everyone was shocked I had done it without medication and I had not been screaming in pain at all. I was focused. It was work but it was worth it. I get so sad when I see people putting all their trust in the dr's and scheduling their csection just because the dr says to. We are made to give birth. I am only 4ft 9. My husband is 6ft 2. They told us the baby would be to big and I would need the second csection (thats what they told me with the first) I say HAH! My second was BIGGER and he came out naturally! Please do some research. Having a VBAC was the most empowering thing I have done as a woman and mother.

  4. Yes and it all went well. You are advised of the risk involved, and I would advise you seek a midwife and doctor that support your decision. A natural birth is very rewarding, studies show that both baby and mother do better after a natural birth.

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