
Do you or have you read to your newborn?

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I am do in about two weeks and I have already bought a collection of Board books I think they are called Disney's first baby book. THe are in English and Spansih. I wants to read them to my baby....Is that silly? I heard TV was bad for kids under 2 so I figured I'd read to him from when he's born untill he's about two then introduce TV (still reading of course though)

What do you think?




  1. absoloutly its adviced to do so, stimulating them help them develop earlier

  2. Absolutely read to him!!!

    I read to my son in the womb, and after he was born...

    It is so important to instill that in your baby!

    Start early it can only help!


  3. I read to my kids as newborns and ever since. Any communication is beneficial to a baby/child. Reading is a great way for them to learn.

  4. My daughter is almost 7 months old.  She is climbing all over the place and loves to be moving around, so she doesn't really have the attention span to sit there while I read her a book.  She'd rather grab it and eat it.  However she loves cartoons, she'll just sit in my lap and watch them.  She gets excited and jumps in my lap.  I really don't think they are harmful for your child.  Now,  if all your child does is watch tv, then that's bad, but a little here and there will do no harm.

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